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Eric Ayalik Okalitana Pelly
Eric was born in 1995. His hometown was Cambridge Bay in Nunavut. Eric had a difficult road early in life. As a toddler, he was fostered to Laurie and David Pelly, who were living in Cambridge Bay at the time, and was ultimately adopted by them. When Eric was 6½, the Pellys moved to Ottawa, although they continued to visit Nunavut. Eric kept in touch with his birth family and his roots. Eric faced challenges growing up, but his maturity, self-esteem and confidence were enhanced greatly by the sort of youth programs Ayalik Fund grantees will experience.

By 2014, Eric had graduated from high school and begun his first full-time job as a surveyor’s assistant, with a promising future ahead. He had become a fine young man. Tragically, at 19½ years old, Eric died unexpectedly, at home while asleep, of sudden cardiac arrhythmia.

Shortly before his death, by happenstance, Eric expressed a desire to one day “go back up north, and help other kids there.” He recognized, he said, how lucky he had been, how great was the need in Nunavut, his home to which he retained a strong connection, and hoped he could do something about it. The Ayalik Fund is now doing Eric’s work for him.

Watch a short slide show below about his first big canoe trip, narrated by Eric himself.

"Lives Lived” article -The Globe & Mail

"Lives Lived” article in The Globe & Mail

9 June 2015 My wife and I will never forget meeting Eric for the first time – or how quickly we fell in love with the little boy and his remarkable smile. .. The Globe & Mail featured Eric in the “Lives Lived” column.


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